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The Most Difficult Air Vents to Seal

Every contractor who performs duct leakage testing knows the process of sealing a supply register all too well. You start by pulling your vent tape out from the roll, taking two or three attempts to get a clean and wrinkle-free sheet. After ripping it off, you apply it to the surface of the register, hoping to get a proper seal the first time. Then you poke a hole in the tape and feed in the pressure hose, only to apply another piece of tape on top.

If you ever have to prepare a home for duct leakage testing, you know the pains of using vent tape to seal air vents. It frequently pulls paint off walls and registers, and you often need a bulky ladder to apply it in hard-to-reach areas. It’s also wasteful, with wads of tape going straight to the trash after every test. Perhaps the biggest inconvenience, however, is how time-consuming it can be to apply vent tape to less-than-ideal surfaces.

“Problem Surfaces” for Vent Tape

Tape is notoriously difficult to apply — especially on certain surfaces. Vents that are dirty, freshly painted, or covered with condensation could all be considered “problem surfaces” for vent tape.

  • Dirty Vents

Vents that are caked with dirt and grime can be especially hard to seal. A dirty surface tends to repel any sort of adhesive, and all of that dirt can be gross to be so close to.

  • Freshly Painted Vents

Freshly painted vents present another problem. Vent tape adhesive can easily pull up any paint that hasn’t fully dried, and any knick or peel will show big time.

  • Condensation Covered Vents

Many homes have “sweating ducts,” or vents that are covered in condensation. This can stem from a variety of issues, including high humidity levels and poor ductwork insulation. Whatever the cause, it’s bad news for duct leakage testing because the moisture interferes with the seal you are trying to get with vent tape.

Protect Customer Property — and Your Reputation

Looking for a vent sealing solution that works anywhere? Now you can seal air vents for energy audits and duct leakage testing with something that works on any surface. Vent Cap Systems were designed to help contractors avoid the headache associated with using vent tape. Each Vent Cap features a thick, 1/2" foam gasket that safely seals against any surface, including popcorn textured ceilings and tricky air vents. The best part? You’ll save time, and you won’t have to worry about being liable for damaging paint or wallpaper with sticky vent tape adhesive.

Don’t let vent tape hold you back in your duct testing. Find the Vent Caps right for you!

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